Foothills Functional Medicine

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Could Your Water Quality Be Linked to Your Mental or Chronic Illness?

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of drinking and using purified water. The average tap water from your local water treatment plant may contain potentially harmful chemicals and bacteria. If your main source of water is a deep well or spring water, you may be somewhat better off, but even water from these sources can contain bacteria and harmful chemicals that have seeped into the water from the ground. Bottled water is another source of concern. The chemicals used in plastic bottle production can leech into the bottled water and have the potential to accumulate in one’s body over time.

Excess bacteria in water can lead to infections. Whereas the accumulation of harmful chemicals and heavy metals in one’s body can lead to a host of illnesses such as memory issues, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, numerous chronic medical issues, and even cancer.  

So, what are some practical tips to ensure you are drinking the safest and purest water possible?

  1. Request a copy of a water quality report from your local water municipality to become familiar with what is in your water.

  2. Have your own home’s water tested.  

  3. If possible, do not use plastic to store water or use to drink water. Use glass containers or stainless steel instead.

  4. Purify your water. This can be done with a whole house filter, filter at the sink, or a high-quality filtered water pitcher.

Are you suffering from depression or an anxiety disorder? Maybe you do not have any significant medical issues but would like to optimize your health. I have designed treatment programs targeting these issues and I would be happy to share more details with you. To learn more, schedule a discovery call with me to see if you could benefit from one of my programs - I’d love to help you become the healthiest version of yourself.

Watch my full video on this topic here:

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