Philip Kimsey Philip Kimsey

Constantly Exhausted? Alcohol May Be Causing Your Chronic Fatigue

We all know that feeling of waking up in the morning after overindulging on the alcohol. That splitting headache, the nausea, the shakes … above all, the exhaustion we experience the entire day. It’s not hard to tell that alcohol can affect our energy levels even 24 hours after drinking.

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Philip Kimsey Philip Kimsey

7 Tips for Comprehensive Stress Management

In our fast-paced world, most of us have stress as a constant companion. From tight deadlines at work to running carpools to making sure all of our personal needs are met, just getting through the week can feel like a stressful task.

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Philip Kimsey Philip Kimsey

Are You Living The Life You Want To Live?

Are you living the life you want to live? If not, then why not? Is it finances, your job, relationships, or your health? Having been a physician for almost 30 years, I have had my fair share of patients tell me that their health limits their ability to live a full life.

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Philip Kimsey Philip Kimsey

What Health Secrets Do Your Genetics Hold?

We all tend to think about genetics when we consider the physical characteristics we have inherited from our family, like our hair color or the shape of our nose. But did you know that every foundational process in your body is an expression of your genes? Genes control processes like your metabolism, your weight, whether you might be at risk for chronic illness, and even possibly your mental health.

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